Remember Victor? They guy that I thought I hit it of with and... and then basically never talked to me again. Well he called me tonight. Almost three weeks since the last time I saw him. I don't know if he just suddenly realized what a douche bag he had been but he decided to call to apologize. The call went something like this:
Me: Hello?
V: Hi, It's Victor
Me: Hiiiiiii?
V: I am just calling to apologize.
Me: Ooookay...
V: I know we were hanging around a lot but I am just in a really bad place now. I am kinda fucked up.
Me: I appreciate your apology but it would have been nice to get it like a few days after the last time I saw you...not three weeks later.
V: Yeah I know...I've just been busy with work and I kept meaning to call you...
Me: It's fine.
V: And then I saw you that night out downtown and I was hammered....
Me: It's fine.
V: So much time had passed so I thought it might be weird to call, but then I decided to man up and call you.
Me: Thanks for finally growing a set and calling me.
V: Once again, I am sorry.
Me: Well I appreciate you calling. Really It's fine. Bye.
V: I'll talk to you...uh...whenever...uh I see you...uh sometime...
Me: Bye Victor.
Well Victor, I hope your conscience is clear.
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